"Acceptance" By Cristine Oh
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 10 in. x 20 in.
Year Created: 2020
“Being a first generation Asian-American, I grew up with a doubtless vision of my future; I would build on my parents’ immigrant struggles and end up being exceedingly successful and happy, not putting their hard work to waste. I believed in this so much that it was not just an expectation or hope, it was practically knowledge, and our current situations couldn’t hinder me. The girl in my painting and the light emitting from her depict that strong belief. She’s in a dream state, not able to see the creatures around her but surely feeling their presence. Yet, she isn’t scared. I too in recent years have been feeling the creatures of reality creep up on me. I am starting to accept the idea that I can find satisfaction and make my family proud without being beyond perfect. While my dream remains, I am aware of reality, and I’m at peace with it.”
Questions with Christine
What drew you to begin creating art?
I've enjoyed drawing and making art for as long as I can remember, so I'm not actually aware of what got me started; my interest just gradually increased since an unknown point in time. However, I started thinking of art as a career option in middle school, when I sparked relationships with kids my age who were also aspiring artists.
Where did you get the inspiration for creating your art piece(s)?
When planning for my piece "Acceptance", I wanted to create something that illustrated the feeling of drifting into a dream. I was specifically inspired by the dim, dancing colors we see when we close our eyes and the uneasiness I feel when I can't sleep.
How do you see yourself contributing to the art community in the future?
I hope to give inspiration to aspiring artists as many artists have done for me.
What do you want people to think when they see your art?
When looking at my art, I want viewers to be immersed in the atmosphere and feel both dreaminess and discomfort simultaneously.
Outside of art, what are some of your hobbies and interests?
My pastimes are listening to music, riding my bike around the neighborhood, and playing video games with my brother. I love conversations with my close friends and seeing how different our thought processes are.
How do you want to impact the world?
While my intention with my work is more to experiment and self-express rather than to change the world, I would like to be somebody's source of inspiration.