"Isabella" By Hana Cruz (SOLD)


Medium: Acrylic

Size: 18 in. x 24 in.

Year Created: 2019

“Isabella (I call her Izzy) is another example of a young American woman who will grow up and make an impact. Izzy is compassionate and open minded, which are traits she will use to change the world. I paint my friends because there is so much to express regarding them- they are such extraordinary people who make me proud to be part of America’s youth in a time when America’s leaders lack qualities that are cultivated in teenage years.”

Questions with Hana:

What drew you to begin creating art?

In my mind, art is the absorption of experience, processed through the lens of the artist, and regurgitated back out to add beauty and value to the world allowing others to do the same and continue the cycle. It exposes the parts of peoples’ minds that you can’t see otherwise, transcending the reality of human experience. This is why I create art.

Where did you get the inspiration for creating your art piece(s)?

Inspiration comes from the peculiar expressions people make when they feel a certain way, or the way organic matter such as tree bark grows effortlessly. Human psychology and nature are the bases of everything I make. I pay close attention to human behaviors, fears, and desires, and pour that into my paintings. My work’s message is hopeful, but I am often told that it is heavy. Darkness is a part of life- there is so much excitement in the polarity of the human experience.

How do you see yourself contributing to the art community in the future?

I would love to collect art and open a gallery when I grow up and have the means. It is really important to me to lift the voices of artists who may not be heard in todays world. I want to work on making art more accessible and relatable to everyone, because many people don't feel connected to art.

What do you want people to think when they see your art?

In a world that is increasingly captivated by artificial screens, I am grounded by art, reminded of what is really important, reminded how to feel and think clearly. Sometimes I want to scream at the top of my lungs out to an audience of people enslaved to their devices; I want to tell them to look up, to look inside themselves, and find excitement in the non-digital world. Life doesn’t work like that, though, and people will be more receptive to these messages through something beautiful.

Outside of art, what are some of your hobbies and interests?

I love music and my guitars. Music is just art in an auditory vessel. Guitar is so important to me as it gives me the freedom to be a beginner and mess up, something I've never allowed myself with my art. I also am really passionate about becoming fluent in French. Learning a new language allows access to hearing from a whole other part of the world, and I love that.

How do you want to impact the world?

I want people to take a step back and look at themselves, their lives, their connections, and reassess what is really important. I want people to connect back to themselves and be inspired to live with more fulfillment and see the beauty in emotions and the human experience.


"Estelle" By Hana Cruz (SOLD)


"I am Here" By Jasmine Chen (SOLD)