"Remote Learning" By Anja Drakulovic
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 24 in. x 20 in.
Year Created: 2020
“This painting portrays my experience with remote learning. Due to the pandemic I have spent five days a week learning from my laptop. I would clean my desk to minimize distractions but always seem to be distracted by staring at my face during a virtual class. As I would stare at myself I would see my face morphing and sometimes it would feel like my eyes are melting with rest of my face.”
Questions with Anja:
What drew you to begin creating art?
Ever since I picked up my crayons to draw on paper, and then transition to my mom’s shoes and then the wall I knew that my relationship with art will be long lasting. Art has helped me express the impossible and has liberated me, and that is what drew me to begin and continue creating art.
Where did you get the inspiration for creating your art piece(s)?
My pieces take inspiration from my dreams, thoughts, experiences, the people I meet, books I read, movies I watch. Sometimes I stare at a wall or the sky for too long and an idea just comes to me.
How do you see yourself contributing to the art community in the future?
I want to do everything, but I don’t think that’s quite possible. I want to teach art, I want my art to be a part of someone’s childhood, I want to paint murals on foreign buildings, I want to sell my work… but most importantly I want to befriend kind people in the community and learn from them and try to make a positive environment for other artists.
What do you want people to think when they see your art?
A part of me wants an audience who will overthink what I am trying to say and find deep meaning in my art, another part of me just wants an audience who wants to look at my work to clear their head. My goal is for someone to look at my work and feel a feeling that will allow them to think a though that will encourage them to act.
Outside of art, what are some of your hobbies and interests?
This might sound cheesy but art is the only interest that I’ve committed to. My hobbies and interests change almost every month. Currently I am spending my time learning how to play the ukulele, last month it was learning how to skate, next month I’ll probably invest my time doing a research paper on how to overcome my endless fear of insects.
How do you want to impact the world?
I don’t like to think so far ahead, I just know that living a humble life is something I would want for myself. I do not want to do too little, but I do not want to do too much either. Hopefully whatever I do has a positive response. I might be able to answer this question better when I am older.